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Swift Current Band parents auxiliary



President – Jeaninne Pelletier 306-774-5685


Music Miles Coordinator – Pauline Saemann


Visit: or Facebook “Swift Current Band Parents’ Auxiliary”



Aaron Thingelstad (SCCHS) –


Ross Kuglin (All Saints, Centennial) –


Michaila Jersak (Central, Irwin, Fairview) –



We support the music program in any we can to ensure the best band program possible. Our most visible task is coordinating fundraisers throughout the year in whichi families can participate. These fundraising opportunities allow families to offset the costs of the band trips, uniforms and fees. (As your student moves through the band programs, the costs for trips, uniforms and fees increase). 



Families with students in the band program are also automatically set up to participate in the Music Miles program. This program turns your selling efforts into a dollar amount in which you can put towards the cost of your trips or uniforms.  Families who volunteer at an event, or volunteer on the SCBPA executive, will earn Music Miles that can be later put towards trip costs.  

Twice a year, total profits from a group of fundraisers are calculated and Music Miles earned in those fundraisers are given a value. This dollar value then becomes available as Music Miles for the participants to spend on trip fees.

For example, last year a family with a driver and two collectors doing a bottle drive route will earn 8 Music Miles. If Bottle Drive Music Miles are calculated to be worth $10/ea. for this event, the family who did the bottle drive route now has $80 to put toward their trips. 


Opportunities to earn Music Miles can be from selling and/or volunteering with fundraisers such as Fruit and Cookie Dough, Grilling Meats, Beef and Band Blast, Bottle Drives or any other various fundraisers as determined from year to year. Task Leaders (coordinators of an event or fundraiser) and Board Members also earn Music Miles.  

Participation in fundraisers and volunteering at events is optional for families, but the more your family participates in fundraising events, the more Music Miles you earn.



To volunteer at any or all events, please watch for emails from SCBPA asking for help. Sign-up sheets are also available at the AGM. You email the president as well.  

Open positions that need filling for 2022-23 year:

Vice President – to be available to assist the President’s functions as required, and to act in the absence of the President.

Publicity/Website/Social Media Task Leader – manage our website and Facebook pages and assist Fundraising Task Leaders to advertise events.

Bottle Drive Task Leader – organize two Bottle Drives 

Grilling Meats Task Leader – organize the meat and honey fundraiser in late Spring

New! Sweet Treats Popcorn Task Leader – organize popcorn and treats fundraiser in November.

Annual General Meeting Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Any parent/guardian of a band student is a member and eligible to vote. Our annual general meeting will be held at the SCCHS Music Room. This meeting starts at 7pm, please watch your school newsletter for the date in the fall.

Parents are strongly urged to attend as the information presented will help you and your child make the most of the Band program.



Grade 6 Beginner Band Clinic- September 2022

Fruit and Cookie Dough Fundraiser- October 2022

Sweet Treats Popcorn Fundraiser- November-December 2022

Bottle Drive Fundraiser- December 2022

Christmas Concerts- December 2022

Music Mile Calculation- December 2022

Bottle Drive Fundraiser- January 2023

Summer Grilling Meat Packs Fundraising- April-May 2023

Grade 6 Band Trip- May-June 2023

Year End Concerts- June 2023

Middle Year End Band Trips- May-June 2023

Grade 6 Kiddies Day Parade- End of June 2023

Music Mile Calculation- June 2023




  1. How do I know how many Music Miles I have earned?


Twice a year, the Music Miles coordinator emails out an updated statement. In December the fundraisers from the fall, Fruit and Cookie Dough, Sweet Treats Popcorn and the December bottle drive are calculated. In June the fundraiser from winter/spring, the January bottle drive, Beef and Band Blast and the Summer Meats fundraiser are calculated.  You will receive an email twice a year.  


Please make sure you are receiving emails from us!!!  Make sure it is an email that you check regularly.  Information confirmation forms for the Music Miles program are sent out at the beginning of each school year. Be sure to check over this form and let us know if any changes are needed. Please contact the president at to be put on the list if you are not receiving emails.


  2.  How do I use the Music Miles to pay for a trip?


On the band permission forms, sent home from the band directors, there will be a place on the form regarding the finances of the trip.  There is a spot there to put in Music Miles earned if you so wish.  You may also save up your Music Miles for larger trips in a year or two down the road.  


   3. How do I divide the Music Miles up if I have more than one child in band?


You are allowed allocate your Music Miles to which ever child you would like, or divide it however you would like.  You have only one Music Miles account – by family.  


    4. What is a Music Miles account number?


At the beginning of the year your child will receive a card with your family’s Music Miles number on it.  It will remain the same from year to year.  Your number must be written on order forms, trip forms, etc.  So please make sure you keep your card safe or know your number.  If you do happen to lose it please contact the coordinator at


    5. How much does a band trip cost?


Each trip each year varies!  Here are a few examples from the last couple years:  Grade 6 trip to Westbank $110, Grade 7-8 trip to Calgary $300, Grade 9-10 trip to Red Deer $350, Grade 11-12 trip to Whistler was $900.  


There are also uniform fees, SLC fees, and possibly other related costs.


The SCPBA does not set the trip dates, places or costs.  Those are all determined from the directors and their schools. Please contact your director and/or school if you have questions regarding the trip itself.  

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